Today I resisted the urge to weigh Nash. I went to a "Feeding Your Baby" class and it was in the room just down the hall from where I usually weigh him. With the scales at Children's Hospital being the ones that we are basing everything off of I don't want to weigh him elsewhere and then be disappointed when I go to Children's and it be off. So, as hard as it was, I didn't weigh him today knowing that he will be weighed on Wednesday. I really hope we have gotten over that 14 pound hump!!
I must say that I've been really impressed with the support and free classes that Alberta Health provides to new parents. We did the 10 week "Birth and Babies" class (which was not free) and since then have done the "Mommy and Baby" class (6 weeks), as well as today's "Feeding Your Baby" class, for free. The class was good but I've done a lot of reading so didn't really learn anything mind blowing. I did pick up a few tips and I'm looking forward to trying new foods with him. I haven't tried anything except for the applesauce and pear for him to take his enzymes. I know most people start with Rice Cereal but our dietician briefly talked about it and suggested to maybe start with "Meats and Alternatives". Ugh, just the thought of making puréed meats is grossing me out. We have an appointment with a new pediatrician on Tuesday and then back to Clinic on Wednesday so maybe I'll hold off until after I see them to start. Or, maybe I'll start Rice Cereal tomorrow and then introduce Meat and Alternatives throughout the week one at a time...
This week we also started a library program called, "My First Parent/Child Mother Goose Experience". Nash's best buddies Cian and Mason as also in the program and we had fun learning new songs and rhymes with the boys. I couldn't remember a single word once I left but it's all about repetition and then they'll give us hand-outs at the end of the program with the words. It also helps when Jen sends me voice memos of her singing the songs in her car as soon as we left so she wouldn't forget the words!
It's getting to be pretty busy with the Library program and doctors appoinments etc. so we're going to have a lazy weekend at home and then Monday Nash will be having his first Zoo trip! Well, technically he's been to the Zoo but it was for "Zoo Lights" on Boxing Day where he slept the whole time and the animals were all inside so it's doesn't really count. But yes, we'll say that was his first "time" to the Zoo and this will be his first "experience" at the Zoo. I'm wondering what he'll think of all the animals?
Yes, we're so excited to go to the zoo with you guys :) Cian was excited to see a mention of him in your awesome blog, made him blush and smile!! He loves his best buddy Nash!! :) fingers crossed for the 15 pound mark :)