Tuesday, 3 April 2012

5 months! Where does the time go?!?!

Five months already! Crazy! I can say that things are finally starting to get a bit easier. I think it's because he sleeps through the night and therefore we're both more rested throughout the day. We still need to work on daytime naps though. Yesterday he was so overtired, rubbing his eyes, and then fell asleep in his swing. I then tried to get him to nap in his crib. I tried the whole "Cry it Out" philosophy and it was a 40 minute battle that I eventually lost. Today he's had one nap in the crib for about 30 minutes and he's currently napping in the swing and I'm saying, screw it and letting him.
Happy 5 months Nash!
Nash is learning and doing new things all the time and I'm looking forward to starting solid foods with him in just a few weeks. I plan to make all/most (?) of his food and so have got my "Baby Bullet" ready to go! Just purchasing a food steamer and getting a few books for ideas. A friend told me that the books by Annabel Karmel are pretty good so I'm going to start there. What I'm most looking forward to is that I will then be able to put his enzymes into his food! Our dietician told us at the very beginning that we could give the enzymes with a little bit of apple sauce and we tried it and he didn't like it. (Keep in mind he was only three weeks old when we tried) I'm thinking that I may try again this week as you can only imagine that nursing him while he has all of these enzyme beads in his mouth is not fun for momma. Here's an older picture of him with a mouth full of enzymes sound asleep. Of course he was screaming because he was starving 5 minutes before this was taken. Gave him his enzymes and out like a light.

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