Could it be? Could we have finally gotten over that 14 pound hump?!? So it feels like Nash has weighed right around 14 pounds FOREVER! Well, I guess that's because he has. He was gaining an average of 1/2 pound per week until 3.5 months and then he hit a wall. At his clinic appointment last week it confirmed that in two months time, he had gained
almost a pound. So, the plan was, and still is, feed more. He sleeps so well through the night that I don't want to start to have to wake him to feed, so in order to get in what we think will be enough it means feeding every two hours during the day. Between feeding and physio and the occasion nap it doesn't allow for much else! It also makes it hard for me to keep up with how much he needs so I had to supplement with formula both Thursday and Friday night. There's something about nursing, and then not having enough milk to feed him, that makes you feel guilty but I have to realize I won't be able to nurse him forever and there's nothing wrong with formula. Sure, breastmilk is what is best for him, but I can only do what I can do. Yesterday I tracked down a health food store near our house and was able to pick up some herbal supplements that should help with milk supply. They are huge and I feel like I'm eating plants all day long but if it helps, great. I'm more interested in trying the "Cookies" that a friend has suggested. These "Lactation Cookies" have ingredients like oats and brewer's yeast that are suppose to help but they also have chocolate chips. Mmm...chocolate. I hope they work!
So after this feeding frenzie we've been on I've done the old weight myself and then weigh myself holding him and today, there's a 15 pound difference!! Who knows how close to accurate it is but for the most part when I've done this I've been pretty close with my guesses. I'll be very anxious to see when we go back (in a week and a half) how much he'll weigh!
Nash playing with his toys in the Exersaucer |
We did manage to sneak in a pool date on Friday and Nash had fun using his new pool floaty in the big pool. He was just chillin' reclined in his floaty, sucking his thumb, hanging out with his buddies Mason and Kieran and checking out all the ladies. He didn't however appreciate being splashed and made sure to give the girl who splashed him a dirty look. He also took a wave in the back of the head and didn't seem to be too bothered by it. He didn't get any water in his mouth and after the initial shock of it and me scooping him up quickly enough to make sure he didn't cry, he forgot all about it. Next time Michelle will realize what that "buzzer" is for (waves starting) and give me a heads up as I totally didn't hear it. We are looking forward to starting our Saturday morning swimming lessons early May and then hanging out in Nana and Granddad's pool in New Brunswick at the end of June.
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I blew up Nash's pool floaty, went to grab something and came back to this:) |
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