So the other day I was suppose to go to a friend's house for a play-date. (Which of course at this age is more for us mom's than it is for our kids!) Well, Nash has had a bit of a cough so I had to cancel and I found myself wondering how many times those words will come out of my mouth, "Sorry, we're going to have to cancel, Nash isn't feeling well".
His cough hasn't been too bad but when our nurse called on Monday she told us that if it lasts more than the typical 3-5 days that we would have to bring him in and put him on antibiotics. She also told me that his throat swab from last week (checking for bacterial infections) came back clear! Yeah! So today being Thursday I'm happy to say that he isn't coughing very much and seems to be doing well. But it's tough being cooped up in the house all week and it's been way too windy for us to venture outside for a walk.
Before I had Nash I was very much a "go-go" kind of person. Much to my husband's disbelief, I enjoy staying put but miss the social interaction with others. If someone else would buy my groceries and run my errands I would stay home much more. Some of the benefits of being stuck in the house all week: my tank of gas is lasting a long time, my house is starting to not look like a bomb went off, I managed to have a bath for the first time since he was born, and it's much easier to get two sessions of physio done in a day. The down side is...we have no groceries and I feel like a hermit!
I'm looking forward to getting out of the house this coming weekend and meeting a few other mom's (who have a child with Cystic Fibrosis) for lunch. This will be the longest that I have been away from Nash ever! Wonder how many times I'll check my phone...
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