Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Does this kid look sick to you? Nah, me neither!

Does this kid look sick to you? Nah, me neither! 

So today was our monthly CF Clinic visit. I half look forward to these visits as I get to hear how great he is doing.  We attend the CF clinic at the Alberta Children's Hospital. Our CF team is amazing. We have a dietitian, pharmacist, physiotherapist, social worker, two nurses and three doctors (we see one doctor per visit but there are three on the team) and that makes up the CF team. When we go to clinic they rotate through and we see them all. It ends up being a long day as we're usually there about three hours and it takes some time to get there being that we live in the far South end of the city and it's in the North. At least we live in Calgary now and don't have to do the drive from Sylvan Lake. 

At today's visit Nash weighed just under 14 pounds and it in the 25th percentile for both weight and length.  Could be better, could be worse. Overall he is one very healthy boy, well, besides that whole having CF thing:)  His lungs sound great, he's doing lots of developmental things we would hope him to be doing at this age and you know he's gaining weight when you have to hold his cheeks out of the way to do physio!

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