Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Great Strides Walk - Team "Cash for Nash"

So the month of May use to be a time where we would look forward to nicer weather and the first camping trip of the year with friends. This year we will look at May as a chance for us to raise awareness and funds for Cystic Fibrosis as May is "Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month". I know that there are so many fantastic causes out there and that everyone has one or two that they usually contribute to but I just would like to show how you can make a difference, even if it does not involve donating funds.

Where does the money actually go?
Well I totally agree in doing your homework before you give away your hard earned money so here is what I've found:
Use of Funds (Taken from the 2010 Annual Report posted on the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Page)
Programs 72%
   -Research 43%
   -Treatment & Patient Services 19%
   -Education & Public Awareness 10%
Administration 13%
Indirect Fundraising Costs 11%
Volunteer Support 4%
2010 Annual Report

So if you would like to donate to Cystic Fibrosis you can go to my: Team "Cash for Nash"  Fundraising page. We have created a team rather than doing the walk individually so if you are in the Calgary area and would like to join our team, with no fundraising obligations, we would love to have you walk with us! Here is all the info on the day:

Great Strides Walk - Sunday, May 27th
Great Strides Walk - Calgary, Sunday May 27th

*For the past several years I have also participated in the MS Walk with my sister, Barb. My sister and I will still be doing the MS Walk this year but will be doing it in Calgary as the Red Deer walk is the same day as the Great Strides walk. The MS Walk will take place on Sunday, June 3rd.

Here are a few other ways you can make a difference for children like Nash off the top of my head:
-At "Toys R Us" and "Babies R Us" they often ask if you would like to donate a dollar for the "Star Light Foundation". This goes to support many programs at Children's Hospitals around the country. Similarly, Dairy Queen often supports local Children's Hospitals.
-Children's Hospital Lotteries - Who doesn't want to win a giant house or new vehicle?!?!
-Kinsmen/Kinettes local fundraising events
-Shinarama which takes place at many post-secondary schools across the country during Freshman Week

If you are not interested in donating funds there is one more huge way you can make a difference. Discuss with your family the option of organ donation and sign your card if you feel this is something you are comfortable with. I know for myself, for years I have made it very clear that my organs are up for grabs when I am gone. So many people have never put any thought into this or just haven't gotten around to signing their card. If you do end up signing your donor card after reading all this we would love to know!

Other ways that does not involve donating funds include:
Donating your Shopper's Optimum Points!

Or you can donate your time! If you are in Calgary and wish to join P.J. and I, we plan to volunteer our time at the "65 Roses Golf Tournament" in Calgary at the Earl Grey Golf Course. Let us know if you'd like to join us and we will provide you with more information!

Thanks in advance for all your support! Karen, P.J. and Nash XOXO

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