Sunday, 12 August 2012

Off to work I go!

So this past week Nash started at his dayhome part time as a transition week. I start work tomorrow and knew that dropping him off for the first time and then heading off to work directly after would NOT be an option as I would be a mess. Dropping him off wasn't so bad. He loves people and didn't seem too concerned with being left some place new. The tough part for me was that I wasn't able to get into the school so I just dropped him off and then headed back home to clean the house. Well, I only made it about 9 minutes after dropping him off before I started to lose it. Thank goodness I didn't have to be in public that day. I'm not really nervous about him being there, it's just a sad time to think that I've spent every single day of his life thus far with him and now that time is over. Once I got home it was such a strange feeling to be there and not have him home with me! When I picked him up and asked how he napped she told me that he napped for over two and half hours. (Out of the four hours that he was there!) I guess being in a new environment didn't bother him!
One of our last days before daycare, the Zoo with Mommy and Nana W. 
As the week went on there were no more tears shed and after I dropped him off each day I was busy in my classroom getting everything organized. The time flew by and it was great to get text messages and pictures from his dayhome provider to keep me in the loop as to how he was doing. Everyone says that it'll get easier with time, and I can see how that would, be but I'm still sad knowing that I won't have that time with him each day.

It's one thing to send your child off to daycare when they are healthy and it's another thing when they have CF. My biggest concerns about him being at a dayhome are: germs and him getting sick more often and him getting his medications. I'm also stressed with how I'm going to manage after working all day to pick him up, drive home, get him fed, bathed and an hour of physio all in a three hour window. And how are my weekends not going to be consumed with grocery shopping, making meals for the week and cleaning and still have quality time with him? How on earth do people manage all this?!?!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting the updates Karen. I really enjoyed seeing you guys last night. It's amazing the effort parents will go to in order for their children to have a great life. You guys are doing an amazing job! Nash is such a wonderful, bright, intelligent and adorable little man. Great job and feel free to call if you need a sitter. If I'm available I would love to look after him!
