Sunday, 3 February 2013

Wrapping for a Cure

I have joined the committee for the "Wrapping for a Cure" event held each year in Calgary and we are already looking ahead to next Christmas! I know that everyone has their causes for fundraising and which charities they chose to support but for the rest of my days, I'll be fundraising for CF. I think it would be different if it was something that I was dealing with as an adult, but when it's your child that has a "terminal illness" (as it is deemed), things are different and you want to do everything you can to help find a cure. In one year I have already seen the advances in treatments for CF and feel that money raised truly is going toward a good cause. We will once again be doing the "Great Strides Walk" here in Calgary and we'll be fundraising for that, but "Wrapping for a Cure" is more about having friends sign up to wrap, taking their gifts to be wrapped, or helping us find corporate sponsorship for the event.

This past December I signed up for some shifts for the event, "Wrapping for a Cure". Being that we were going away for Christmas, and that I was only available to do it on weekends, I was only able to do 2 shifts, one at Market Mall and one at North Hill Centre. I had heard of this event in the past but obviously now with having a child with Cystic Fibrosis it takes on a whole new meaning. When I put it out there to friends to see who would like to wrap with me I was overwhelmed by the offers. Thanks to Meagan and Amanda who found child care for the day to come wrap gifts with me! I hope that by spreading awareness of this event that more friends in the Calgary area will sign up next year to wrap gifts at either of the two locations. Don't worry, I'll let you know when the sign-ups begin!

Our "Poster Child"

About the event:

"Wrapping for a Cure” is an event run by Cystic Fibrosis Canada, Calgary and Southern Alberta Chapter. Our committee consists of mothers of children with cystic fibrosis who are committed to raising funds towards a cure. It started over 24 years ago when a grandmother of a child with cystic fibrosis came up with an idea to raise money for CF. She set up a wrapping booth at the downtown Eaton's centre and called it "The Looney Wrap". Over the years, hundreds of volunteers have wrapped gifts at different Calgary locations, including our current locations of Market Mall and North Hill Centre, in exchange for a donation to Cystic Fibrosis Canada.

The event runs from December 1st until Dec 24th at Market Mall and North Hill Centre. Volunteers wrap customer’s gifts in exchange for a donation of their choice with all proceeds going toward research and clinic support in our area. In 2012 our event raised $40,000, and we are hoping to beat that this coming December. While Market Mall and North Hill Centre have been instrumental in our continued growth and success, we would like to add additional sources of revenue by extending sponsorship opportunities to corporations and individuals in order to help us achieve, or beat our goal!

If you know of a corporation that may want to support "Wrapping for a Cure" please let me know! We are looking for companies that will sponsor a "shift" and match the proceeds raised on that shift (or day) and proper signage will be displayed recognizing their company.

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