So in response to my last post about the advertising that is done for Cystic Fibrosis, I guess I'm alone in thinking that it could be done another way. I never underestimated the power of advertising for such an important cause or wanted to downplay the severity of Cystic Fibrosis. I'm not against raising funds for Cystic Fibrosis Canada to use for advertising, I just personally don't like the ads. I guess to put things in perspective, I don't even watch the news as I find to too depressing so maybe I just like to block things out.
The consensus from the few parents of children with CF that I heard back from in regards to my post is that it those ads help the ones we love, they're all for it. My personal opinion, is that those who donate, do so because they have some connection to CF. Whether it be sixth-degree-of-separation or a close connection. Very few individuals or companies just start researching charities to donate to so I still feel that these ads could be done in a different way and continue to generate awareness and funds.
Cystic Fibrosis is one of those diseases where most of what is going on is on the inside and therefore people don't realize that yes, it is a fatal disease. They don't "see" the hours spent on chest therapy, the medications etc. that it takes to keep them alive. I however, chose to live life day to day and not think about the what if's. Maybe that's because we're so new to this and he's been healthy but when I saw the ad for the bike ride and it stated that half of those who died with Cystic Fibrosis were under the age of 25 it felt to me like they were telling me that my child has a 50/50 chance of surviving to the age of 25. So yeah, I was mad. The statistic that they are referring to I have learned is correct, but I guess the reason why I haven't heard this before is that with detecting CF on the newborn screen and starting medications and treatments so early, hopefully, this statistic will change dramatically over the coming years.
I respect other people's opinions and hope that no one ever feels like they are going to offend me by sharing their thoughts and opinions with me. The only time I will take offence is if someone tries to tell me that my "opinion" is wrong and that their's is right or try to shove their opinion down my throat. As I said, we are only seven months into this journey and I'm sure my opinions about certain things will change over time but I hope that I never get so scared that all I focus on is the what if's and that I continue to cherish every single day that I get to spend with my amazing little boy.
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